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Omnificent meditation

Live it up in 30 days!

It was after I decided to meditate, in May 2011, for 30 days in a row
that I started to play with the magnificence and omnificence of meditation into my life!

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Live Online Workshop

Omnificent Meditation
live it up in 30 days!


November 1-30

Every day I will do a Live of 1 hour offering teachings
on  different themes for 20 minutes, a 20-minutes meditation
and a 20 minutes discussion / question period.

Photo : Zabell

Week 1: Integrate meditation and the Greatness of creative power

Week 2: Understand energy centers and how they work

Week 3: Demystify the law of attraction, beliefs, vibrations and frequencies

Week 4: Recognize the importance of living and expressing emotions

Week 5: Appreciate and lighten the moment of meditation

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© 2020 Geneviève Young

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